A memorial to Livermore teachers, administrators, and staff that are no longer with us.

They are gone, but they will not be forgotten.

Jack Beery
Donald Bruce Bishop
Calvin Boyd
Martha Boyd
William "Bill" Brewster
Barbara Brunke
Ed Brush
Opal Carr
William S. Carr
Don Couch
Vivian Darter
Murray Day
Sarah Day
Bert Fraser
Paul Glockner
Sybil Green
Ellen Johnson
Constantine Kazarinoff
Joyce Keeler
Jack P. Lee
Wilma Leeds
Eric Lyons
Lorinne MacDonald
Leona McGlinchey
Bertha Meamber
Herman J. Mettler
Juanita P. Mettler
Maynard Moreland
Albert A. Ofiesh
Frank Ponce
Louis Preftokis
Paul Reginato
Larry Reid
Ed Rundstrom
Anne Trudeau
Howard Vierra
Wilda Wilhite
Leon Williford
Marguerite Wilson

If you know of a Livermore teacher, administrator, or staff person whose name should be on this memorial, please write to the webmaster. Each name on the list can be linked to a page in memory of that person, with pictures, a brief biography, and memorials written by former students, friends, and family. We depend on former students, friends, and family to send me the information, pictures, and memorials that are displayed on these pages. If you would like to see a page in memory of someone whose name appears on this memorial, please write to the webmaster.

See also the Livermore High School Memorial, the Granada High School Memorial, and the Livermore Class Picture Archive.